Legal Considerations for Small Business Owners

Legal Considerations for Small Business Owners

Starting a business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it isn’t without risks. Small businesses must follow all legal requirements to avoid penalties and costly legal disputes. Having preventative legal measures like obtaining business insurance and properly screening employees can help protect against potential issues that can occur during the operation of a…

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legal malpractice lawyer Portland OR

Legal Malpractice: How to Protect Your Rights with the Right Lawyer

Attorneys are human, and mistakes are inevitable. However, some errors are more severe than others. Attorney failures related to investigation or discovery can constitute legal malpractice. It includes missing important witness testimony or needing to document evidence properly. You must demonstrate that your first lawyer owed you a fiduciary duty for your legal malpractice claim…

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Protecting Your Family Business During Divorce

Protecting Your Family Business During Divorce

Family business owners can often become apprehensive about the possibility of a divorce and its impact on their family and business. Seeking guidance and representation from an experienced lawyer is crucial. A lawyer can help you establish formal corporate protections to shield personal assets and a family’s financial well-being during a divorce. Prenuptial or Postnuptial…

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3 Important Things You Need To Know About Zoning

3 Important Things You Need To Know About Zoning

Zoning is the set of regulations used to manage property and construction and how they can be used or changed. You need to understand zoning before starting a construction or remodeling project. Here are three important things you need to know about zoning. 1. Zoning Ordinances Vary by Jurisdiction The federal government doesn’t oversee zoning…

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A Complete Guide to Lemon Law Claim Success

A Complete Guide to Lemon Law Claim Success

Lemon laws protect consumers from buying new cars that turn out to be defective. In addition, these laws can provide a refund or replacement car. To qualify for a lemon law claim, your vehicle must have a substantial defect that persists after a reasonable number of repair attempts. These can include issues like braking or…

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Denver motorcycle accident attorney

An Overview of Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, navigating the insurance and legal requirements can be difficult. But on the other hand, an attorney who knows these concerns can support you in obtaining complete compensation for your losses and injuries. You can recover damages for your past and future medical expenses, lost income, property damage, pain…

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Business Attorney

The Role of a Business Attorney in Risk Management

Business attorneys can help a company address legal claims and issues such as worker’s compensation, disputed contracts, intellectual property law, and more. They can also write contracts that protect the company’s interests on a long-term basis. Preventative Measures Business lawyers are often called upon to help a company reduce risk by working on preventative measures….

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