Many women have this burning desire to experience great love. A desire that mingles with a visceral desire to found a home while being in a good professional ascent. Yet most wonder how they can combine a family life and a career without feeling like they are falling behind others. Nia Long is an actress who we have all seen through our screens in series like The Prince of Bel-Air or New York 911 or notable films such as Big Mama . Very careerist, it was at the age of 40 that Nia Long decided to start her little family life. She explains to us why Nia, like many women, has experienced a double penalty: this feeling of failure and non-conformity as well as the shame of not having a family life. Many women inflict this emotional and psychological overload on themselves, when it is quite possible to combine a married life with a professional life.
In a relationship for more than 6 years with Ime Udoka – former basketball player and coach of Spurs – she proves on her own that at 30,40, 50 years old, we can still find love. And this is a fine example which attests that all women, if they wish, can manage to find this harmony between sentimental and professional life. What each of us aspires to is therefore possible!
I think women who are extremely focused on their success, who are very ambitious, get to a point in their life where they’re like, “ Oh! I’m in my 30s, I don’t have a husband and I don’t have children yet, what does that mean? ” To me, this means that all these stages of life do not occur at the same time for everyone; that’s why you can’t compare your life with that of others. – Nia Long
It is not necessary to put on an additional load to conform to the diktats of the company. If you don’t feel the need for family life, that’s also a choice. However, if we want to be able to find the right partner: we must give ourselves the means in a lucid way. Founding a home means being able to create an emotional harmony that most people need. Yes, intelligently securing financial independence is very important, but what you build with your life partner brings a love and fulfillment that you will probably never feel in your career. Without forgetting to never be discouraged in front of what one can see around you because everything comes at the right time to those who know how to wait.
Women who have great and successful professional careers are admired – and fortunately! But very often, when a woman over 30 is still not in a family life on purpose or by force of circumstances, people tend to use this to incriminate her. It’s quite paradoxical, but unfortunately that’s how society thinks. Even so, there is admiration in front of our professional rise, arrived at a certain stage and at an age, the questions fuse to know when will come the marriage and the children.

Nia fought against all these prejudices that have cornered women for millennia; but she does not wish that this noble fight is the opposite effect: the division between men and women. And she invites the latter – and the latter – not to let go of the good things that can happen in life, just because there is no time “because of work”!
You have to have an open heart and accept things when they happen. I think the more successful you are as a woman, the more you say to yourself “I don’t really need a man, I have everything I need” but the truth is no one does. wants to end up alone, you’ll need a partner at one point or another. – Nia Long instagram
Nia Long is a good example of how it is widely possible to wear both caps. That it is possible and vital to love, to be loved, and to be involved in family life. Combining two different worlds is quite achievable, but you have to make the right choices so as not to let one universe encroach and stifle the other. I therefore wish you to find this professional and family balance and to elevate yourself to the good!